Welcome Aboard Your St. Lawrence County Public Transit Bus!
How To Catch Your Bus
There are two ways to plan where you will begin your transit bus ride. First, you can call our friendly office staff at 315-386-2600 and they will tell you where and when the bus stops or you can get on the thearcjslc.org website and see our transit schedule. We encourage our customers to stand in a safe location where the vehicle operator (and other motorists) will be able to see you clearly.
If you are new to St. Lawrence County Public Transit, or riding a route for the first time, please feel free to ask your bus driver if you are boarding the right bus. If you need to wait for the next bus, the driver can tell you when it will arrive. When your bus arrives, please walk up the steps pay for your ride and enjoy your trip.
You should arrive at the bus stop fifteen minutes before the bus’s scheduled arrival time. Buses may run late due to traffic or weather conditions.
You may wave down the bus anywhere along a street that a bus is traveling; the bus will stop along the route as long as it is safe to pull over. The driver will not stop near corners, on steep hills, or other hazardous areas.
How To Pay For Your Ride
If you are riding for the first time, you will probably be paying for your trip with cash or coin. St. Lawrence County Public Transit vehicle operators do not make change, so please be sure to have the exact change to get on the bus. Please do not forget that you will need that much to get back too! If you plan to ride St. Lawrence County Public Transit frequently (and we hope that you do), please check the fares section of this schedule for details about how to save money by purchasing multi-ride tickets. If you have any questions about our multiride tickets please call us at 315-386-2600 or ask your driver.
How To Use More Than One Bus Route To Make One Trip
We call this "making a transfer." When the orginial bus you board does not go to your desired location you will ask the driver for a transfer pass. When you get on the next bus, give your transfer slip to the driver. Your transfer pass will be only good for 1 hour from the time it was issued. There is no charge for a transfer pass.
Rider Rules and Information
Animals – Trained therapy and service animals assisting persons with disabilities are permitted on St. Lawrence County Public Transit buses.
Drinking/Eating – Please refrain from consuming food and beverages of any kind while on board our public transit vehicles. Closed beverage and food containers are permitted on board but may not be consumed while on the vehicle. Thank you for helping to keep our buses clean for everyone!
Headphones – Passengers must use headphones when listening to portable electronic devices. Please keep the volume at a reasonable level to avoid disturbing your fellow riders.
Priority Seating – Please allow our senior riders and riders with disabilities to use the front rows of seating.
Smoking/Vaping – Smoking and vaping is not permitted on board our vehicles or inside our facilities.
Vehicle Accessibility Features
St. Lawrence County Public Transit buses are ramp or lift-equipped to make them accessible to people who use a wheelchair, walker, cane, or other mobility aid.
What Passes can be purchased?
20 Ride Pass for $36.00, 30 Ride Pass for $53.00, and a 40 Ride Pass for $68.00.
Holidays and Closures?
St. Lawrence County Public Transit is NOT in service on the following holidays:
- New Year's Day
- Easter Sunday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day (except routes 67, 68 and 69)
- Thanksgiving Day
- Black Friday
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
For the following holidays and events, a weekend/holiday schedule will be used:
- Before student move in day
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veteran's Day
- Thanksgiving Week
- Winter Recess (regular service resumes Monday, January 6th, 2025)
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- President's Day
- Spring Recess
- Good Friday
- After Spring final exams
Only for routes 67, 68 and 69:
- Run on their holiday/weekend schedule during winter and spring recess
- Run on their holiday/weekend schedule after spring final exams
- Are not in service in June and July
- Resume service on August 1st and run their holiday/weekend schedule until student move in day
Lost and Found
If you have lost an item on the bus, please contact St. Lawrence County Public Transit at 315-386-2600.
Non-Discrimination Policy
If you feel you have been discriminated against, you may file a complaint with St. Lawrence County Public Transit at 315-386-2600 at any time.
Right to Refusal
Although we do not discriminate against any person, we reserve the right to refuse transportation to any person under the influence of intoxicating substances, or to any person whose conduct is such, or likely to be such, as to make them objectionable to others, Passengers not wearing shirts or footwear will be denied transportation.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
The St. Lawrence County Public Transit operates its programs and services without regard to race, color and national origin as stipulated in the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you feel you have been discriminated against based on your race, color, or national origin, you may file a complaint with the St. Lawrence County Public Transit office at 315-788-2730 and state you would like to make a Title VI complaint or visit our website at www.slcnypublictransit.com/nondiscrimination.